When It Comes To SIckening stupidity----POOPY says "scaife earned all his money"
(too old to reply)
2008-05-06 14:18:01 UTC
On 16 Dec 2006 16:06:38 -0800, "pyjamarama"
The top 5% created the wealth they "own", you uneducated, class-envious
So how did Richard Mellon Scaife create his billions, PAJAMATWAT

Make us laugh at you more

Tell us.
2008-05-06 14:52:43 UTC
Post by N***@Click.com
On 16 Dec 2006 16:06:38 -0800, "pyjamarama"
The top 5% created the wealth they "own", you uneducated, class-envious
So how did Richard Mellon Scaife create his billions, PAJAMATWAT
He created every penny that's subject to federal/state taxation,

You sayin' he didn't?


"Group Negro Poster Pyjamarma admits to being a coon, coconut headed
hater" -- Gary & his buddy SKANK tag-team on yet another vile racial

You boys have gotten mighty tight, haven't you?

Sick fuckers

Rural, low-income white RACE LOYALIST Gary "Nick" Roselles on why he
don't hire blacks (Source: Google Archives):

On Apr 30, 2:40 pm, Gary Roselles <***@Click.com> wrote: "Those
who stand up for their race, their issues, their causes are those you

On 30 Oct 2006 11:13:21 -0800, Gary Roselles <***@Knicklas.com>wrote:
"brown niggers need to be taken out"

On Jun 6, 09:33:41, ***@Knicklas.com wrote of distinguished African-
American scholars Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams: "Both are
traitors to their race"

On 18 Feb 2007 14:05:28 -0700 Gary Roselles <***@Knicklas.com> "Then
why was you mother stupid enough to fuck all them black guys?"

On 23 Aug 2006 04:29:00 -0700, Gary Roselles <***@KNICKLAS.COM>
wrote: "What the fuck would a dumb cocksucker like (distinguished
black scholar) Sowell, who sits out at Stanford,never having worked a
day in his Uncle Tom life, know anything?"

On 24 Apr 2001 17:43:01 GMT Gary Roselles <***@idt.net> wrote (in
reply to an Op-Ed by African-American Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson):
'Say"yes Massa", Uncle Tom.'

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000 19:27:54 GMT, Gary Roselles
<***@idt.net>wrote: "Bush's Uncle tom Cabinet is good first step
for GOP"

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000 19:27:54 GMT, Gary Roselles <***@idt.net>
wrote:"You actually think that placing blackskinned, white thinking
people is going to gain anything with real minorities?"

On 2 Jul 2005 10:43:03 -0800, Gary Roselles <***@Knicklas.com> wrote:
"because of their rap speech"

On 18 Dec 2000 20:26:48 GMT Gary Roselles <***@idt.net> wrote (of
Colin Powell): "It's apparant[sic] he's being an uncle tom to appease

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 06:43:37 GMT Gary Roselles <***@rapidnet.com>
wrote (of Michael Steele): "GOP Poised to Pick Uncle Tom in MD"

On 30 Jun 2005 8:51:19 -0800, Gary Roselles <***@Knicklas.com> wrote:
"They talk in black english"
2008-05-06 23:00:09 UTC
Gary "Nick" Roselles is not someone I agree with.....
and is sometimes and asshole.
But on the issue of blacks....most belong in jail.
Sub humans need to stay in Africa...in their mud huts.
look at the damage they have done to our cities....
look at what they have brought to England and other European
countries..crime, murder, drugs...
Its just a fact.
Not racist...just factual....like Mr. Pyjama boy